What PC do you Need? Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you with a detailed quote and recommendation. Personal Details Full Name: Email: Where will your PC be used? In a office or home with out being moved? Or traveling between work and Home? How much space do you have for your PC? Large computer desk Medium computer desk Small Computer desk No desk, using another table or lap * * if using your lap a lot or for long periods we would recommend a laptop stand. This helps with both cooling the laptop as well stopping your legs getting too hot! What will you use your PC for? Internet general use Video Streaming and Music Streaming (Netflix, amazon prime etc or Spotify etc) Watching TV (live) Office Use simple games (non 3D) Graphic Design or Photo editing Music production Video Editing Animation 2d and 3d Extreme Gaming How much data space to you need? I store my office documents I need to store my family photos and videos I am semi pro photo /videographer I have a massive digital music collection I have a number of large apps I need to install ( Adobe creative suite etc) Do you need a data back up system? I need internal back up at home I need internal back up but need remote access I need external backup but nothing to expensive I need professional back up system so I loss nothing important ever!! Not include mouse and keyboard how many USB devices do you have/need? Printer Scanner external hard drive Graphics Tablet Other Please add any additional requirements or questions here comments